The Met Office has issued amber and yellow weather warnings across the UK with Storm Ciarán set to hit this week, but will Worcestershire be affected?

Large swathes of the UK is covered by yellow and amber weather warnings issued by the Met Office as Storm Ciarán is set to hit the country.

This morning the warning was expanded to cover a wider area of western and southern England along with all of Wales.

Worcester is currently covered by a yellow weather warning which will cover today (Wednesday) from 6pm to tomorrow (Thursday) at 11.59pm.

The Met Office warns that heavy rain associated with Storm Ciarán is likely to bring disruption to parts of Worcestershire.

They warn people to expect delays or cancellations to train and bus services and there is also a chance homes and businesses could be flooded, causing damage to some buildings

It adds that some communities may be cut off by flooded roads and that fast-flowing or deep floodwater is possible, causing a danger to life.

Storm Ciaran is set to bring a fresh bout of wind and rain to the UK – with “danger to life” amber weather warnings issued for Thursday.

Two amber warnings, the second highest level of alert, are in place for parts of the south coast of England on Thursday.

Met Office spokesman Oli Claydon said the storm is “forming as we speak” and will hit on Wednesday evening, with coastal gusts of 70mph to 80mph and the potential for 85mph.

And people are being urged not to go near the water’s edge due to “very dangerous conditions”.

Mr Claydon said: “There will be very dangerous conditions on the coastline, large waves. We’d urge people not to go near the water’s edge.

“Rain warnings are in place, there will be some very saturated grounds bringing an additional hazard.”

Thursday’s amber warning is in place from 3am to 1am in Cornwall and Devon, with the Met Office predicting Storm Ciaran will bring winds of 75mph to 85mph with 65mph to 75mph gusts inland.

Across the south coast, the amber warning runs from 6am to 5pm, with winds expected to reach 70mph to 80mph with the potential for 85mph and large waves.

The warning says wind could disrupt travel, down power lines and cause structural damage, with flying debris providing a threat to life.

Elsewhere in southern England and south-west Wales, gusts could reach 50mph to 60mph with 60mph to 70mph on the coasts.