RIVER Severn levels are rising near Worcester as Storm Ciarán continues to affect the UK.

The Met Office warned that heavy rain associated with Storm Ciarán is likely to bring disruption to parts of Worcestershire.

Field officers from the Environment Agency visited the Kempsey pumping station on the river Severn earlier today.

The officers performed operational checks to penstocks, pumps and generators in preparation for the pumps to operate in response to the rising river levels.

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Flood warnings for the River Severn have not yet been issued by the Environment Agency.

The Met Office warned that delays or cancellations to train and bus services may be experienced, and there is also a chance homes and businesses could be flooded, causing damage to some buildings.

It added that some communities may be cut off by flooded roads and that fast-flowing or deep floodwater is possible, causing a danger to life.