Worcestershire residents are getting the opportunity to question their Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC).

West Mercia PCC John Campion is set to host a follow-up Community Conversation at Pershore Town Hall on Wednesday, November 15

This evening follows an initial visit to the town in May.

At the time, the PCC pledged to return for another Q&A, providing an open forum for locals to discuss their views, experiences and confidence in policing and any changes they have seen over the past six months.

The PCC stated: "After my visit to Pershore in May, I heard loud and clear the concerns of more than 60 residents.

"I promised action and I have delivered on this. Following the meeting, I used all the powers available to me to galvanise change which included raising concerns at the highest level with the Chief Constable as well as funding a bespoke survey to greater understand the public’s views.

"I look forward to speaking to residents in and around the town who will have an opportunity to talk about local policing and whether they feel there’s been improvements over the past six months."

Temporary Chief Constable Alex Murray will join the PCC for the event, being held from 6pm to 8pm.

He said: "I’m looking forward to being in Pershore.

"Particularly to listen to feedback and talk through the work we’ve carried out with our partners.

"Where crimes are reported we are dealing with them robustly and, following the feedback from the initial meeting, we’ve increased our engagement with the community.

"However we don’t always get things right and we are committed to improving the service we deliver in Pershore and across the three counties of West Mercia."

More information can be found online at www.westmercia-pcc.gov.uk/communityconversation.