A FURIOUS Worcester resident slammed "bird brained" council chiefs for cutting funding to stop seagull attacks.

Worcester City Council revealed it is planning to spend £35,000 on gull control in the next 12 months because of its financial problems – half of what was spent this year.

Councillors agreed to double the budget to £70,000 for the last 12 months but with funds tight, the council said it will be returning to its ‘base’ £35,000 budget next year.

Angie Brown, 43, who works in the city centre, fears it is only a matter of time until someone is hurt by an aggressive seagull.

She said: “All councils are strapped for cash at the moment and we all understand that but the gull problem in Worcester is really serious.

“It is only a matter of time before someone is seriously hurt by these gulls. At breeding time they can be very aggressive.

“I can’t understand why the council are cutting the budget to control them. The problem isn’t just going to go away.

“Because they are birds they are seen as nature but they are dangerous and I’ve witnessed people being attacked.

“Sorting the gull problem should be the council's number one priority.

"There are too many people on the council who are completely bird-brained about the real problems facing Worcester.”

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Worcester News readers suggested raising revenue by fining people who drop their food waste on the floor which attracts gulls.

Nicki Porter was one of those calling for enforcement action saying: "How about fining people who don’t dispose of their rubbish from the ridiculous amount of junk food shops.

"Gulls go where there is an abundant food source and that happens to be all of the places mentioned."

Cllr Alan Amos, Worcester city councillor, Worcestershire county councillor, and former mayor of Worcester, branded the cuts as "scandalous".

He said: "This council has no commitment whatsoever to the eradication of gulls in the city. They clearly think the noise, the nuisance and the disturbance from these gulls are far more important than the people they affect.

“People are woken up early from screeching, cars and houses are covered in mess and they are a danger.

“We have more than ever before and they are not coming and going, they are staying here permanently.

"It’s an endemic problem made worse by inaction. The problem is going to get out of control.”

Members of the city council’s environment committee are meeting today (Tuesday, November 7)  to discuss the gull budget cuts.