BELLS chimed as the city welcomed the annual return of its nativity scene.

The Crib has returned outside the Guildhall in Worcester, but its arrival was slightly different to what many have been used to seeing in previous years.

Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus sat in a little wooden cart while Worcester's Rotary Club paraded it around the city, ringing bells. 

The spectacle had caused many shoppers to stop what they were doing to watch as the group delivered the family to their resting place outside the Guildhall.

Worcester News: Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus arrived in style. Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus arrived in style. (Image: NQ)The Crib is something the Rotary Club has put outside the Guildhall for as long as many of them can remember but this year, they said they wanted to commemorate it.

Anne Pooley, president of the Rotary Club in Worcester, said: "This year, we decided to make The Crib be a little bit more seen around the city, make a little noise, which is why we have the bells.

"It is just a bit of fun and marks the beginning of Christmas.

"We had definitely caught people's attention. We had smiles, dogs going crazy with the noise - which is unfortunate, but not all dogs have been like that - and we had children asking what it was about."

The Worcester Arts Workshop made the figures, and a former member donated the Crib. 

Worcester Rotary Club is celebrating its 100th birthday in the city and, during that time, has been aiming to help people.

The event marks the start of several events that the Worcester Rotary Club is doing in preparation for Christmas.

On December 15 and 16, it will be outside the Guildhall collecting money for Worcester Food Bank. 

Donations are also being collected for Worcester Food Bank and WELD (Worcestershire Elderly Lonely and Disadvantaged) at the Crib, and people can donate money through a QR code on the barn.