A popular Pershore barbers is holding their annual charity raffle in aid of Worcester Snozelen – and they want you to get involved.

Beastie Barbers, based in Church Street, are aiming to raise £2,000 via raffle tickets for the charity that help bring sensory happiness for people with disabilities and additional needs.

Prizes up for grabs include a family afternoon tea, beauty treatments, Christmas goodies and cinema tickets.

James Saunders from the barbers said that local businesses were “wonderful” in offering their support for the cause.

He said: “I knew that this year I wanted to make the raffle bigger than ever before.

“In the past we have raised money for larger, more national charities, so I knew that by choosing a charity closer to home we would be able to see where the funding will go.

“There are 42 prizes up for grabs in total and so many businesses in the town have wanted to get involved, which was great.”

James continued: “Worcester Snozelen do some amazing work in the area – we just hope we can raise as much as possible for hem.”

To buy a raffle ticket visit: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/christmas-charity-raffle-2 search for Beastie Barbers on Facebook or pop into the shop.

Ticket sales close online on December 8, with the draw taking place on December 9.