A TEEN on a mission to support the elderly said they are often "overlooked" after raising a considerable sum to help veterans. 

Billi Baker, who has ties to Warndon, said older people do not get enough recognition for their work and more needs to be done to support them.

The 14-year-old sat in the cold for two weeks outside Marks and Spencer in Blackpole and then Tesco in Warndon to sell poppies on behalf of the Royal British Legion.

He said: "The elderly can be overlooked and we should do more.

"People do not give enough recognition to what the elderly have done for us. 

"Everyone is generous, but I would say the elderly are the most generous."

In two weeks, Billi had raised nearly £4,000 and said he was surprised at how generous the people of Worcester are.

His grandad's war efforts during the Cold War inspired Billi to raise money for the Royal British Legion.

"He is a veteran from the Worcester regiment, and I always enjoyed Remembrance Sunday in Worcester city centre and wearing a suit with my grandad's medals," he said.

"Ever since I was born, I have always been a grandparents' boy.

"My mum said when I was born, I gave my grandad a new lease of life - we have always been close."

But, this is not Billi's first time raising awareness for older people.

He has previously written to Parliament and the Queen about the long early morning wait times the elderly experience when catching the bus in Worcester.

Aged just 11 at the time, he had met Robin Walker to address his concerns and even got a letter back from the late Queen thanking him for raising the issue.

Mr Baker's mum, Louise Daffin, said: "I think it is great. He is very supportive of his grandparents and helps out where he can - I am very proud. 

"His mindset is helping older generations."