THERE may be wintry scenes in Worcester next week as the UK could see “widespread snow”.

The Met Office warns that the northern and eastern coast parts of the UK could be affected by snow next week.

Then there is a chance of more snow pushing up from the south.

And Worcester may also see a few flakes fall according to predictions - though they may not accumulate.

From Wednesday (November 29), The Met Office predicts: “Colder than average conditions overall continue to be most likely overall.
Worcester News:

“Winds are likely to often be from the north, with a mixture of cold, quiet periods and some more showery episodes with rain, sleet and possibly hill snow.

“Any sleet and snow showers would be most likely to affect northern and eastern coastal districts.
Worcester News:

“There remains a chance of more widespread snow spreading up from the south during at least the first part of this period, should this occur strong winds or even gales are possible across many parts, especially the south.

“Colder weather could persist throughout, however towards the end of the period there is an increasing likelihood of an upward trend in temperatures as new areas of cloud and rain attempt to move in from the Atlantic.”

According to the Apple weather app, Worcester could see snow in the early hours on Thursday, November 30.