A NEW quirky tearoom and violin shop will bring authentic Hong Kong tea rituals to Worcester.

Ngai Violins will soon be Worcester's newest tearoom and will aim to provide a tea-drinking experience that is rare to find elsewhere in the UK.

Cynthia Ngai and her husband Ken travelled from Hong Kong to open up Ngai Violins in Broad Street in the former Nevitt lighting shop.

Attention to detail will be key when it comes to tea at the new cafe and the venue will provide a cultural experience.

Details will be given on different water temperatures depending on the tea leaves and the timing of how long each is brewed for.

Tea leaves will be measured to create the right blend of water to leaf, and cups - each individually matching its beverage - will be heated using the aromas of the tea.

The store will also go hand in hand with a violin shop where Mrs Ngai will provide lessons to eager musicians.

Each violin has been handmade - some using the incredibly rare Chinese rose wood - by Mrs Ngai and her father, a talented composer from Hong Kong.

Mrs Ngai described how each violin they make has its own personality - much like people.

She will take over her father's business, which has been a staple in Hong Kong for many years.

"When I moved to the UK, I had more time to think of my future career and the career of my whole family," she said. 

"My father is amazing, so I thought maybe I could take over his business. My father is going to retire.

"We will be a small, independent, family-run business. Our goal is not to earn a lot of money but to make a living while doing something we like and helping others who share the same musical passion."

The two had fallen in love with Worcester due to its similarities with their home.

"We feel like we can merge into this community and help contribute to it," she added.

"We like the atmosphere and how people know and help each other. It has a strong community spirit."

Ngai Violins will be opening in April.