A dedicated student from Worcester has set himself the challenge to climb Mount Kilimanjaro for a charity that helps people in Kenya.

Thomas Pointer is studying for a degree in sports psychology at Loughborough University having moved there from Worcester and previously attended Pitmaston Primary school and then Christopher Whitehead Language College.

He explained: "Next summer I will be climbing Mount Kilimanjaro with the Students Union. This is in support of a charity called Dig Deep who work in Bomet County, Kenya, one of the most undeserved and least resourced areas of the country.

"The charity work to help families realise their right to clean water, safe toilets, and good hygiene and aim to improve education and strengthen livelihoods in the area."

Thomas said he is excited to take on the challenge, adding: "I get to have an amazing experience and tick something off of my bucket list while raising money for a great cause at the same time.

"I would like to thank the Worcester News for their support in helping me find companies and individuals to sponsor me for the climb and any support or donations towards my fundraising target is welcomed and greatly appreciated."

To help Thomas on his fundraising journey, email: tpointer.fundraise@gmail.com or you can donate at: https://dig-deep.enthuse.com/pf/thomas-pointer