In worcester there are many charities but one of the largest ones is St Richards Hospice. St Richards cares for adults who have severe progressing illnesses, their main goal is to improve their quality of life whilst undergoing treatment. 


The charity has many different ways of raising money. One of these ways is by having charity shops, in Worcestershire they have 17 shops and they also have an online shop. These shops help the charity quite a bit and some of their larger shops include a cafe. The money made goes towards the charity and helps to improve the Hospice. Alot of the staff members are volunteers instead of employees. The amount of volunteers shows how large the charity has grown, it reflects how many people want go help out and support others.


I have been a volunteering for a few months in one of the charity shop cafes. I enjoy doing it and I have gained alot from it such as experience and confidence. Whilst working it is always unexpected as you never know if its going to be busy or quiet. During the time you work there, you'll meet new people every shift and may even make friends. When I work in the cafe I never have a set job, one minute I could be washing up plates and the next I'm making a latte. You might only be working for a few hours a week, however those few hours helping so many people but they are also beneficial to you. Whilst working you learn new skills, communication, team working, problem solving and working with money. 

If this sound like something you are interested you can find out more on their website. You can also click the link which will take you straight to St Richards volunteetring page(


St Richards Charity regularly holds events which everyone can take part in, going to one of these, supports the charity massively. You can also support the charity by donating your old goods to the charity shops, on their website it explains what they will and won't accept. Another way to support them is by volunteering,fundrasing or donating money which will go towards upgrading their in-patent unit. They give Ill patients seriously needed care for free, so getting support from many people is important. Will you be one of those people?