CALLS have been made to national supermarkets to remove "trolley graveyards" which are plaguing the city's streets.

Residents living in the Cathedral ward said they are fed up with multiple trolleys being dumped and supermarkets not clearing them up.

Roads such as Lock Street and Little Park Street have been the most affected, with a total of 16 trolleys found there in a day.

Cathedral Ward councillor Jabbar Riaz said the area is becoming a trolley graveyard and residents have voiced their frustration with him on the situation.

He said: "We have a residents group here, The Friends of Fort Royal, and we do a litter pick every month, and every time the residents see it, they report it and nothing is being done about it.

"They have also been in contact with the local stores as well and have gotten so fed up that they have asked me to deal with it.

"It is such a simple thing, and these companies are not just small businesses. They are national companies, and they have a duty of responsibility to their local communities.

"The community want action and simply for them to get someone to pick the trolleys up and get them dealt with. 

"So they are frustrated."

Cllr Riaz said he has tried reporting the issue to Trolleywise - a national company that removes shopping trolleys that have gone astray - but the company does not cover Worcester. 

He added he has also reached out to the supermarkets but nothing has yet been done.

Many of the trolleys are from Asda, Home Bargains and B&M, and it is estimated that one appears almost every day in the area.

A spokesperson for Asda said: "Whilst we know that the majority of our customers look after our trolleys, if anyone happens to spot one anywhere it shouldn’t be, they can let us know by calling 0800 0933 350 or by downloading the Collex App, so the trolley can be collected as soon as possible."

A spokesperson for Home Bargains added: "We subscribe to Trollywise, as do other retailers, who will travel to hot spots on our behalf and collect any such trolleys.

"We will always happily collect any abandoned trolleys upon being made aware of their location."

Worcester News has contacted B&M for a comment.