Martley CofE Primary School has been deemed 'good' following a recent Ofsted inspection.

The school, in the village of Martley near Worcester, has 135 pupils aged three to 11 years old.

The school is part of the Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust, meaning that the responsibility of running the school falls to other people in the trust.



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Inspectors deemed that "the school continues to be good", and shows an enthusiasm for learning.

The report pointed out the successful implementation of the Trust’s values: 'to love, to learn and to serve'.

Quoting directly from the report, inspectors declared that the pupils "show maturity and a deep understanding of being a unique individual within a diverse world."

Inspectors also observed good behaviour among the students, highlighting that the pupils "behave well in lessons" and have a clear interpretation of "what behaviour and safe, healthy relationships should look like".

The report also commended the older pupils being "positive role models" for the younger students.

Despite the positive attributes of the school, the inspectors found some areas yearning for improvement.

Currently, there is lack of deep understanding of how vocabulary and interactions in the early years underpin the next steps in key stages one and two among middle leaders.

Also, as the inspection report states, "the school is in the early stages of checking what is working well across subjects".

The report proves the school's effectiveness in teaching reading.

Inspectors found "the school has clear expectations about pupils’ learning in phonics.

"Pupils learn to read well."

They also found that "for the very few who need a little extra help, this is quickly identified and given".

Inspectors report that the curriculum at Martley has been well structured, carefully considered and well organised.

Finally, the inspection report highlights how the school has strengthened its identification of and provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Staff reportedly provide children who need extra support timely help—whether it's involving parents and carers, or giving particular attention to detail that continues throughout their school life.