AN old-fashioned telephone box situated in a Worcestershire village looks set to stay put despite a building proposal in the area.

MNG Spencer has submitted a proposal to Wychavon District Council to construct a new three-bedroom property on the land adjacent to the Old Post Office.

The plans put in place for the new property were located include the site where the telephone box is situated.

This had left some residents fearing what would happen to the late-1930s British K6 telephone box if the new build is granted planning permission.

Although the telephone box was decommissioned, volunteers renovated it into a book exchange library, which officially opened back in 2016.

Donna Quinn, a resident in the village and one of the volunteers, said the developers had been "amicable" in discussions over the phone box's future location. 

"To be honest, they are being quite amicable and we have just agreed to move it back off the road a bit," she said.

"It would be a bit safer that way and they will also arrange it. I have spoken to them and the builders are in discussion with the parish council who own the phone box."

Miss Quinn admitted she had been worried about what the planning proposals would mean for the phone box but that she would be happy if it remained in the same area.

Barrie Audis, chairman of Elmbridge Parish Council said: "The phone Box is owned by Elmbridge Parish Council (EPC) and leased to Miss Quinn who runs a book exchange from the box for the residents of the village.

"Myself as chairman of EPC and Donna met with the developers to discuss the idea of moving the telephone box in order to give a clearer view of the main road from the driveway of the new build. I reported back to EPC who agreed with the proposal in principle.

"Once planning has granted for the new build then EPC have to iron out the technicalities of moving the box and the legalities of the area of land that is going to be designated by the developers.

"A hard wood seat will be provided and all costs picked up by the developers. EPC see the re-siting of the box, the addition of a seat as an enhancement to the village."

The consultation ended on Saturday January 13 and a decision is pending.