AN award-winning curry house said "Droitwich doesn't feel safe anymore" after the eatery was ransacked during a burglary.

The owners of Vasaanti, in High Street, said they are devastated and shocked that their restaurant on the High Street was broken into.

A charity box and a large quantity of money were taken and extensive damage was caused to the roof and areas of the restaurant were "trashed". 

Akbar Miah has owned the restaurant for ten years, he said: "Everyone is surprised, the area doesn't feel safe anymore.

"We are surviving and this sets us back. It's been ten years, and we used to see Droitwich as a nice, safe town.

Worcester News: A burglar going through the dining area.A burglar going through the dining area. (Image: Vasaanti)"We are distressed and never expected this to happen - we were shocked and surprised."

The business relies on its Saturdays, especially during January, to make "ends meet", and Mr Miah said the loss of income has impacted the business.

"They came in and made the place a tip - Saturday night is the main day for business.

"We have to be open this time of the year. We cannot afford to close.

"The roof has been damaged and caused a leak, which will be costly for us. The roof had a massive hole and rain over the week, causing water to come in."

Vasaanti has remained open and is still taking deliveries and bookings - however, part of the seating area is cornered off.

West Mercia Police said they are investigating the incident and several other commercial burglaries in the town.

Little Al's Cafe, Droitwich Spa Cricket Club, Canal & River Trust premises and The Droitwich Spa Tennis Club have all been burgled in the past two weeks.

Safer Neighbourhood Inspector for Wychavon and Malvern, Dave Wise, said: "As we continue to address recent commercial burglaries in Droitwich, we've intensified patrols to deter and investigate these incidents.

"Your vigilance is crucial – report any suspicions, and our Safer Neighbourhood Team are ready to provide expert crime prevention advice".

Previously, he said: “We understand the concern these incidents bring to a community like Droitwich, and I ask that the public report anything they deem to be suspicious, however small that may be. Working together puts us in a much stronger position to stamp out these kinds of offences."

Vasaanti won the  Tripadvisor's Traveller Choice and was recommended on Restaurant Guru in 2023.