The Himbleton Parish Council has formed a team of experts to solve the village's chronic flooding issues.

County Councillor Marc Bayliss held the meeting on Monday afternoon, and brought together representatives from County Council highways, Flood Alleviation, Wychavon Land Drainage teams and nationally recognised Flood Forum spokespersons.

Councillor Bayliss said: "I am really pleased that we have been able to get residents and partners together to sit down and look at what can be done to address this growing problem.

"The village has been under water several times this year and we need action to alleviate the problem.

"We won’t be able to stop flooding altogether but with an improved drainage system in the village and with longer term plans to abate waterflow we will hopefully be able to significantly improve the situation for residents.”

A comprehensive drainage survey conducted by the council identified potential improvement areas, especially in Harrow Lane near the Galton Arms pub.

Himbleton residents are also considering reviving their local flood forum which ensures the community’s active participation in managing the flood situation and exploring additional solutions with the involved agencies.