WORCESTER councils are to receive £36.8 million in extra funding next year as part of the Government's multi-billion pound Local Government Finance Settlement. 

It has been announced that Worcestershire County Council and Worcester City Council will see their budgets boosted.

The county will be aided by a 7.7% increase next year, while the city will receive an additional £700,000, a rise of 5.8% - but this figure is disputed by the city council leader.

Worcester MP Robin Walker said the boost in funding would allow leaders to deliver a "brighter future" for their areas.

“Local authorities play a vital role in our communities, providing crucial local services that people rely on, but we know the effect of Covid and the war in Ukraine have increased cost pressures" he said.

“It is great news that Worcester councils will have an additional £36.8 million funding this year. These additional funds will help our local leaders take long-term decisions to deliver a brighter future for their areas.

“This builds on the significant funding boost the council received last year, showing the Conservative Government’s plan to ensure local authorities have the resources they need is working. 

Lynn Denham, Worcester City Council leader, said: "Any additional funding for local councils from central government is welcome. 

"The Local Government Association has been lobbying for this, as so many councils, of all political parties, are struggling to balance their budgets and deliver the public services which our residents need. 

"The majority of this money will go to the county council which is responsible for adult social services and children's care.

"I believe that Worcester City Council has received an extra £113k only.  This one-off amount is not the answer to long-term fair funding for local councils.  I remain extremely concerned that there has been no announcement yet regarding the Household Support Fund.

"Without it, we will have £300k less to help Worcester people struggling with the cost of living crisis during next year."

Simon Geraghty, leader of Worcestershire County Council, said: “We welcome the additional £4.9 million Local Finance Settlement from the Government announced earlier this week.

"This funding is a result of our MP’s lobbying to highlight the issues we are facing in Worcestershire.

"However, our costs are climbing faster than the funding we have been allocated and therefore we will need to continue with proposals we have set out to reduce costs, save money and increase income where possible.

"As well as this, we are having to use some reserves to ensure we are able to solve the financial challenges we are facing."