Here is a round-up of the planning applications submitted to Worcester City Council this week.

Proposal: Replacement of windows and French doors to white UPVC. Change of colour of existing cladding and juliette balconies. Solar panels to the south facing roof.

Applicant: Fenella Talbot

Address: 20 Shrubbery Avenue, Worcester, WR1 1QH

Application No: 24/00089/HP

Consultation ends: 12/03/2024

Listed building consent for approval of canopy over decking, and retrospective approval for decking.

Proposal: Listed building consent for approval of canopy over decking, and retrospective approval for decking.

Applicant: Stefan Duta

Address: 44 Friar Street, Worcester, WR1 2NA

Application No: 24/00012/FUL

Consultation ends: 07/03/2024

Proposal: Application for a non material amendment to planning approval 19/00594/HP. Amendment relates to the vehicular access.

Applicant: Pete Saunders

Address: 41 Bevere Close, Worcester, WR3 7QH

Application No: 24/00060/NMA

Consultation ends: 01/03/2024

Proposal: Proposed two storey rear extension, single storey rear extension, and single storey side extension.

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Duignan

Address: 100 Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NL

Application No: 24/00025/HP

Consultation ends: 01/03/2024

Proposal: Proposed temporary car park

Applicant: University of Worcester

Address: Former Bredon Building (part), University of Worcester St John's Campus, Worcester, WR2 6AJ

Application No: 24/00079/FUL

Consultation ends: 07/03/2024

Proposal: Front single storey extension

Applicant: Mr G White

Address: 101 Tudor Way, Worcester, WR2 5QU

Application No: 24/00082/HP

Consultation ends: 28/02/2024

Proposal: Garage conversion to self contained accommodation

Applicant: Mr. T. Cutner

Address: 9 Hayling Close, Worcester, WR5 3U

Application No: 24/00083/HP

Consultation ends: 01/03/2024

Proposal: Application for a non material amendment to planning approval 22/00621/FUL. Amendment relates to the boundary security fencing.

Applicant: Herefordshire & Worcestershire Health & Care NHS

Address: Warndon Clinic, Cranham Drive, Worcester, WR4 9PA

Application No: 24/00084/NMA

Consultation ends: 29/02/2024