A brand new hydrotherapy pool for children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions has been making waves.

Proving to be a hit since its official opening this week, the state-of-the-art facility, at Acorns Children's Hospice for the Three Counties in Worcester, comes complete with multi-sensory light and sound to enhance hydrotherapy sessions.

The charity provides specialist palliative care for children with serious conditions.


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It cared for more than 750 children in the West Midlands region just this past year.

The extensive work on the project, including complete renovation, was made achievable by a six-figure donation.

Not only has the new pool and changing rooms been fitted, but it now also includes a hi-tech lighting system and ambient surround sound speakers.

The cost of the project, around £200,000, was covered by a grant from the Kildare Trust, and will benefit over 200 children who receive care annually at the Bath Road hospice.

Matron Becky Hughes, said: "We are thrilled to officially open this amazing pool.

"The project has totally transformed this important space for children and families."

Ms Hughes added: “Hydrotherapy is such a vital service, actively reducing pain and giving children at Acorns a sense of movement and freedom they may not otherwise get to experience because of the use of wheelchairs or spending a lot of time in bed.

“Our new pool will also help us give families visiting the hospice for family splashes the best possible experience, enabling them to make precious memories together which wouldn’t be possible in a public swimming pool because of infection control and colder waters.

Aided by late Worcester farmer Phyllis Richards, the trust provides monetary assistance to various charities across Worcestershire.

Ian Smith, chair of the trust, said: "The trustees of Kildare were delighted to be in a position to fund the whole refurbishment of this vital facility at Acorns.

"We have supported the hospice for a number of years, but this is the biggest single project we have supported there.

“It was obvious from talking to the staff and parents how incredibly important the hydrotherapy treatment is to all of the users of Acorns."