As sunshine arrives in the Midlands, Dogs Trust has warned that too much exercise in warm weather can cause severe health problems for canines.

The organisation said that while many dog owners are aware of the hazards of extreme heat, they may not know that even exercising dogs in early summer temperatures can result in heatstroke, which can sometimes be fatal.

A recent study revealed that almost 75 percent of heat-related illnesses in dogs in the UK were because of exertion and over two-thirds were just from walking.

The trust also indicates that certain breeds, including "flat-faced" dogs, such as English Bulldogs, Pugs and French Bulldogs, are more vulnerable.

Paula Boyden, veterinary director of Dogs Trust, said while most people know not to walk or exercise dogs in extreme weathers, early summer temperatures can cause problems.

She said: "As owners, we need to know the signs that our dogs are getting too hot and help them take a rest and cool down when they need to.

“If you do spot the signs of heatstroke in your dog, take steps to cool them down and contact your vet immediately.”

Collaborative research from the Royal Veterinary College and Nottingham Trent University found that English Bulldogs are 14 times more likely to suffer a heat-related illness compared to Labrador Retrievers.

Over a third of "flat-faced" dog owners highlighted that heat regulation poses a problem for their pets.

Symptoms of heatstroke include excessive panting and drooling, appearing lethargic, drowsy or uncoordinated, vomiting, diarrhoea, and collapsing.

If a dog owner suspects their pet to be experiencing heatstroke, Dogs Trust advises immediate action.

This includes stopping the dog’s activity, urgently cooling the dog, moving them to a shaded area, and calling a vet urgently for further advice.

The charity also advises not to leave dogs alone in cars as even just a few minutes in a hot car can prove fatal.

If there's a dog seen looking distressed in a car, the public should call 999 immediately.

Further guidance to keep dogs safe in this summer's heat can be found at