Innovation Zero held their second congress this week.

The event, which took place on April 30 and May 1, saw outstanding attendance.

North Somerset MP Sir Liam Fox chaired the conference, drawing a crowd of over 15,000 attendees.

The congress hosted more than 350 exhibitors and welcomed important speakers from across the globe, including chancellor Jeremy Hunt MP, secretary of state for energy security and net zero Claire Coutinho MP, and shadow secretary of state Ed Miliband MP.

The event aims to link innovators, investors, policy makers and all organisations from both private and public sectors to inspire a low carbon transformation.

Sir Liam Fox said: "Innovation is the generator of the unique intellectual property which ultimately leads us to new goods and services in our economy and generates prosperity.

“All of you here are the shapers, you have the ability to change the direction that we have in our societies, security and economies.”

North Somerset Times:

A range of trailblazing companies from the South West, including WASE, SuSy House, and COCO+ were a part of the conference.

WASE is a local business dedicated to onsite industrial wastewater treatment which reduces emissions coming from transporting wastewater.

SuSy House, another Bristol-native, is a platform designed to assist homeowners wanting to cut their energy consumption by identifying effective upgrades and connecting them with suitable retrofitting businesses.

Lastly, COCO+, a repeat participant, introduced a platform that enables people globally to offset their carbon footprint, one journey at a time.