Young people in Worcester are invited to take part in an art competition highlighting the impact of the Battle of Worcester on modern life.

The Battle of Worcester Society, working with The Speaker’s Art Fund, is calling all Year 7/8 students to participate.

The theme will be 'How the Battle of Worcester has influenced the world we live in today.'

Daniel Daniels, chairman of the Battle of Worcester Society, said: "We’re delighted to have secured funding to run this project from The Speaker’s Art Fund.

"The main focus of our project will be making connections between the past, and its relevance to the world in which today's young people are growing up, in particular raising awareness of the Battle of Worcester."

The competition promises to be inclusive, with 'Highly Commended' and 'Commended' categories alongside small prizes for the winners.

Entries will be showcased at the Worcester Festival later this year.

The end date for submission is July 12.

Mr Daniels said: "We’re looking forward enormously to seeing the wonderful and creative artwork that young people across Worcester are inspired to produce!"

Full details will be conveyed to Heads of Years 7 and 8 at each secondary school in Worcester this week.