A NOVICE boxer who died after collapsing in the ring at a charity boxing event was fighting against a kickboxer of nine years, an inquest heard.

Dominic Chapman, aged 26, died in hospital after fighting at an Ultra White Collar Boxing event at Tramps nightclub on April 9 last year.

Today (Tuesday), Worcestershire Coroners Court heard more details on the circumstances behind Mr Chapman's death at the fund-raiser for Cancer Research.

Mr Chapman, from Droitwich, was an inexperienced fighter but was matched with James Bradley, an experienced kickboxer.

Jon Leonard, owner of Ultra Events, which organises these events, and Bhapinder Madahar, franchisee for Ultra Events Midlands, said great consideration went into choosing a pair based on weight, height and experience.

Karl Hirst, who represented the family, said: "Dominic's opponent kickboxed once or twice a week for nine years, and kicking has no place in boxing, but it affects the ability, should it not?"

Mr Madahar agreed.

The coach at Iron Fight Club, Worcester, chose the pair and trained them twice a week for two months.

But Mr Madahar understood  that Mr Chapman attended only 11 or 12 sessions out of 16.

Mr Hirst said a boxer who took part in the event said they had been told not to speak about the incident.

 Ultra Events met with the boxers the following day in a Worcester car park.

"There was a meeting after the event with the boxers in the car park," he said.

"One boxer described the meeting as a hush-up job. Was there anything said in this meeting to create this impression?"

Mr Leonard said: "Absolutely not was there any suggestion to stop reporting."

He added that, in retrospect, they could have chosen a better place to meet the boxers, but the meeting was to ensure they were okay and offer support. 

During cross-examination between senior coroner David Reid and Mr Leonard, it was found that one of Ultra Events staff members had wiped an SD card with footage from the event.

The only footage that remains is from Mr Chapman's and Mr Bradley's fight.

Mr Leonard said it was standard practice for the staff to wipe footage after a bout once it had been uploaded to YouTube.

But in this case, he had told a staff member to keep  all the footage in an envelope for future reference due to it maybe being needed for evidence.

However, when further questioned, he said he was not aware of the SD card being wiped until the team was asked by the courts to show the footage.

Mr Leonard added this was the first charity boxing night it had organised at Tramps but Tramps said it was the second.

The inquest, which is expected to last for a week, continues.