The only Tory on Worcester City Council says he is looking forward to having the unanimous support of his party for the next four years.

Alan Amos was the only Conservative to keep his seat at this month’s city council elections.

He said at a meeting of the council last night (Tuesday, May 14): “Everything I say in this chamber will have the unanimous support of my group.”

When the laughter of other councillors died down, Cllr Amos added: “And there won’t be any dissension, there won’t be any leadership challenges for at least four years, so I’m looking forward to it.

“I look forward to playing a very full part in the events of the next four years.

"Others may wish I was quiet but I’m not going to go quiet, I’m going to do my duty by my constituents in Lower Wick and Pitmaston and I’m very grateful for the kindness and generosity that all members of this council have shown to me so far.

“I’m going to work hard and I’m going to enjoy it.”