A magazine sent to Worcestershire residents by the county council cost the taxpayer £55,000.

The first issue of Your Worcestershire was posted to households around the county in March.

County councillor Lynn Denham questioned how much it had cost at a full meeting of the council on Thursday, May 16.

Marcus Hart, the cabinet member for corporate services and communications, said every home in Worcestershire should have received it, although the council was “at the mercy of the postal service”.

“It cost £55,000 to taxpayers,” he added.

Cllr Denham asked when the next issue would be and whether the magazine represented value for money.

Cllr Hart said an advert in the magazine had led to 30 potential applicants to be foster carers getting in touch.

“If we can encourage two of them to become foster carers then the magazine will be excellent value for money,” he said.

“Cabinet will decide when we do the next edition.”