A WORCESTER student's campaign in memory of a friend who died in a crash will see at least two new defibrillators installed in the city. 

Amy Shadbolt has been aiming to raise enough money to install a new defibrillator at the Henwick Road Co-Op since the death of her course mate  Shane Davies, from Ferryside, Carmarthenshire, in October 2022. 

The appeal touched the heart of Mark King from the Oliver King Foundation who got in touch to donate a defibrillator and external cabinet to install outside the supermarket. 

Now, Miss Shadbolt is looking to use the cash she raised- £1538 so far- to buy a second public defib and cabinet.

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She is currently searching for a location in the city where the defibrillator is needed. 

Any leftover funds will be donated to The Oliver King Foundation to help it continue its work installing defibrillators and providing CPR training. 

Miss Shadbolt said in the incident which resulted in the loss of her course mate and friend, which took place at the junction between Henwick Road and Oldbury Road, there were no accessible defibrillators available when needed. 

Miss Shadbolt, who is also looking to raise awareness on how to provide basic life support when needed, told the Worcester News it had been incredible to see so much support and interest in the cause. 

She added: "I really hope this campaign has a positive impact on Worcester and the wider community.

"Not only will two lifesaving defibs be installed in our city, but I hope it inspires others to fundraise for more and to register their current ones on the National Database. 

"The campaign has also been about raising awareness on skills that can potentially save lives in the future, which holds the utmost importance. 

"These include the easy use of public defibs, increasing public confidence in their ability to perform Basic Life support and using these devices if it was necessary."

She will be running a free defibrillator and basic life support training event between 10am and 5pm on Saturday, July 13 at the University of Worcester.