IF you have made plans for this Bank Holiday you might be keeping everything crossed that the weather will be kind.

May has been a bit mixed so far with lovely bright sunshine and blue skies but also downpours and thunderstorms.

The Met Office has revealed what the weather will be like for Worcestershire and the West Midlands from Friday to Sunday (May 24 to 27).

Weather for Worcestershire this weekend

The Met Office predicts there will most likely be an unsettled start to the period with showers in the west and perhaps longer periods of rain in the northeast.

There is some good news as there may still be some settled weather in between.

The Met Office said: "Over the bank holiday weekend a band of rain likely to arrive from the west, becoming weaker as it moves east and becoming more showery in nature with scattered showers also following.

"Into the new week increasingly settled conditions more likely for most, though rain may threaten north-western areas whilst some southern or eastern areas occasionally less settled with showers more likely later in the period though there will be some sunshine between them, the best of this in south-western parts.

"Temperatures are likely to be a little above average, but some large spatial differences are likely."