PLAY equipment that has been deemed to not meet current safety standards has been removed from a park in Worcestershire.

Tunnel Hill play area, on Greenfields Road in Upton Upon Severn, recently underwent annual and operational inspections by Upton Upon Severn Town Council.

It was during the inspection that the play equipment was deemed to carry a medium to high risk.

As a result, the council has decided to remove the play equipment for safety reasons.

A statement from Upton Upon Severn Town Council said: "It is with regret that Upton upon Severn Town Council has had to make the decision to remove the play area equipment at Tunnel Hill.

"This decision was made following the findings of the annual and operational inspections.

"The equipment does not meet current safety standards, with medium to high risks, the equipment had to be removed for safety reasons.

"The goal posts will remain so that the area can still be used for play."

The council added that as it did "not own the play area land", it could not secure funding to invest in new play equipment.

It added that the current lease is due to expire in March 2027.

"As we do not have an ongoing lease the Town Council cannot secure any funding for investment in new play equipment.

"The Town Council is sorry this decision has had to be made but the safety of all using this area is paramount."

The news has been met with general disappointment from residents.

One user on Facebook said: "Sad times indeed for those that live there.

"It was a great community hub for so many children, including myself growing up.

"I hope this spurs the community to come together and perhaps create a new space for them all!"

Another commented: "This is very sad. I Do hope that something will replace it for the local children that need it there."