A WORCESTERSHIRE nursery has been rated outstanding by Ofsted for the third time in a row. 

Magic Moments Day Nursery in Kempsey has achieved the rating in its most recent Ofsted inspection. 

The previous inspection happened eight years ago and the staff are over the moon with the recent rating.

The company also has a wraparound provision based at Kempsey Primary School.

Natalie Burford, manager and owner of Magic Moments Day Nursery said: "We were hoping for outstanding but the standards are so high now that it's a hard thing to achieve.

"We are so pleased with both of the outcomes. 

"This is an incredible achievement and a testament to our amazing team's hard work, dedication and passion. 

"We couldn't be more proud of their commitment to providing the highest standards of care and education for the little ones. 

"I would also like to thank everyone who has supported us along the way, especially our wonderful families and children."

Ofsted said: "All children thrive at this welcoming and well-organised nursery. 

"They arrive happy and display positive attitudes to their play and learning.

"Staff use their expert knowledge of child development to plan an exciting and highly ambitious curriculum inspired by children's current interests and development needs.

"Staff invite parents and children to attend taster sessions to become familiar with staff and their surroundings.

"In addition, nurturing staff visit children in their own home to build secure relationships from the outset."

The Main Road nursery has been open for 19 years and currently takes care of 64 children each day.

Ofsted continued: "Staff are wonderful role models.

"They speak to children and each other in a respectful and gentle manner. 

"Children display the same gentle and respectful nature. 

"They play cooperatively with their friends. 

"Children share, take turns and learn to resolve their own minor conflicts."

The nursery currently has 123 children on the books and has a big waiting list.

Ofsted said: "Children develop excellent communication and language skills.

"Staff introduce children to sign language to help them communicate their wants and needs. 

"Children delight in singing action songs and rhymes. 

"Staff engage children in deep and meaningful conversations as they play. 

"They support them to make links to past learning experiences."