AN officer on a push bike found a group of teens who ran away from trespassing in a building in Malvern.

The teenagers, most of whom were from Worcester, had gained access to a building on Ranelagh Road without permission and had been detained by security.

Five youths had managed to run away from the area, leading PCSO Kevin Tudge to locate them on his push bike. 

A spokesperson for Malvern SNT said: "On the afternoon of Saturday, June 8, we received a call stating that a group of six youths had gained access to a building on Ranelagh Road, Malvern, without permission.

"PCSO Kevin Tudge, who was on cycle patrol, was able to locate the group and obtain details.

"Most of the group were from Worcester.

"Words of advice were given to the group, and letters were also sent to their parents to advise them."