A TV star is set to appear as the guest of honour at a Worcester children's hospice "magical" garden fete.

TV Gladiator star Livi Sheldon, better known as Diamond, will open the fete and speak with children, families and visitors at Acorns Children’s Hospice for the Three Counties.

The hospice's gardens on Bath Road will host a community celebration with music, entertainment, treats and family-oriented activities.

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The day will include stalls, games, a prize teddy bear hunt, face painting and glitter tattoos.

The garden fete, on Sunday, September 22, will raise funds for Acorns and its care for seriously unwell children and their families.

Mel Hall, area fundraiser at Acorns, said: "Join us for what promises to be perfect way to close the summer.

"We’ve got a magical day planned which features a special visit from none other than Worcester’s own Livi Sheldon, who stars as Diamond on the TV show Gladiators.

"Bring the whole family along and not only will you experience a day filled with laughter, music and community spirit, you’ll be supporting our lifeline care for children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions."

Guests will also enjoy Star Wars-themed entertainment from the Glouscestershire Troopers, music by the Pershore U3A ukulele group, a gift tombola and raffle, bargain stalls, cakes and candyfloss, plus a visit from the charming Alex the Acorn.

The hospice provides specialist palliative care for babies, children and young people with life-limiting and threatening conditions and supports their families.

Last year, the charity catered for over 750 children across the West Midlands, and aided nearly 1,000 families, including those who are bereaved.

The Three Counties garden fete will be at Acorns Children’s Hospice, 350 Bath Road, Worcester, between 11am and 4pm on Sunday, September 22.

Entry is priced at £2 for adults and £1 for children, with all proceeds going to Acorns lifeline care services.

Tickets are limited.

For more information or to book, visit www.acorns.org.uk/fete.