What do you tolerate in your life? We have all wondered how certain people are able to put up with things in their life that we would deem intolerable; wives who stay with abusive husbands - to most of us this seems extraordinary but to them it could be for a variety of reasons; they stay for the sake of the kids; are afraid of their husband; have no where else to go; justify his behavior because they love him.

In the grand scheme of things the behaviour or situations we tolerate in our lives are minor but they still hold us back from achieving....
So what are you tolerating? I am tolerating long hours combining a full time job with my coaching; why? Because i believe in the long term it is worth the effort and investment to be able to provide a certain lifestyle for my family. What about you? Is something holding you back? Do you put up with people or situations because you dont want to hurt their feelings? I have recently worked with a lady who had an extraordinarily hostile relationship with her mother-in-law; to most of us we would have walked away or given our other half an ultimatum...but there are reasons for the mother-in-laws behavior which i wont go into but mean she picks fault in everything her daughter-in-law does. She tolerates this because she doesnt want to upset her husband.

Do you tolerate long hours at work? If so what are you doing about it? What do you gain from it? What alternatives do you have?

None of us can claim to be 100% happy in our lives for every moment of every day .... or if thats you then i would love to meet you and find out your secret!!

If you are tolerating something....and want to do something about it then talk to somebody else in the same situation, share your thoughts and maybe share a solution. Look at what options you have ... will one small change allow you to move on and prosper at work or home? Will one difficult conversation with somebody change your life? Does this other person know it is effecting you?

hope this gives you food for thought
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