Went to Bath, with my Dad, the result was a bit disappointing but lets hope the boys are just a bit ring rusty! I had to be on my best behaviour sat in the Helphire Stand with my father! I am sure that he didn’t mind me yelling once or twice during the game.

I don’t think that I have been so looking forward to a season since the first one in the Premiership. It is really hard to tell what is going to happen, the pre-season games didn’t give that much away, good or bad, and there are so many good players yet to join us. Mike Ruddock has such a great reputation as a coach that it’s not easy having realistic expectations for this year. For me, a season out of the relegation dogfight would be great anything more would be terrific. What ever happens, my unstinting and VERY noisy, support will always be in evidence.

One of the things that I am really looking forward to is the return of Monday night rugby with the A league and Academy games. We have a really talented bunch of young players as Worcester now and I take every opportunity to go and watch them and give them benefit of my considerable vocal support.

It has been quite a relief that all the season tickets holders who sit near me have re-newed in their same seats. I had wondered if they might have asked to move, given my decibel excesses. It was lovely the other week, to see everyone again. It seemed ages since 29th of April and the excitement of winning Saracens game.

So this weekend it’s the European Champions, Wasps coming to Sixways. They have great strength in depth and will be smarting from a defeat to Saracens last weekend. I have a sinking feeling about the first 6 matches of the season. We have lost one and have some of the best teams in the league to face before new and old players get to us form the World Cup and other competitions. Roll on the end of November!