WREATHS were laid at a Worcester cemetery yesterday to remember the fallen soldiers buried there who died in the two world wars.

Members of the Royal British Legion, the Sea Cadets and the Salvation Army joined Mayor of Worcester Lucy Hodgson at Astwood Cemetery for the service, which is held every year on the Sunday after Remembrance Day.

“It was very moving,” Councillor Hodgson said.

“It was a time for reflection, to really think about who those people were and the sacrifice they made.”

The Last Post was played and a few words of remembrance were spoken, before those in attendance placed small crosses on tombstones.

The procession then moved up to the cemetery’s main memorial to lay the wreaths.

Coun Hodgson said: “One of the soldiers buried there is Karl Foest, who is German, and we have laid a wreath on his grave every year since 1964 after his family requested it.”