IT’S not hard to understand why Worcester gets such a poor deal from central government.

Those people who don’t know how the funding for pensioners’ bus fares and free swimming can be financed will undoubtedly blame the council when things go wrong.

It’s the biggest con-trick of them all. The Government says “look everyone, aren’t we kind, there’s free this and totally free that.”

Later, when councils such as Worcester run into difficulties, the ignorant will lash out at the nearest target, in Worcester’s case, the Guildhall. The facts of the matter are that Labour tends to reward councils on their side of the political spectrum, so that obviously rules out us.

Funding has now become a cynical game of cat and mouse with the taxpayers caught in the middle.

Mind you, some people have been saying this for years, most notably Evesham education campaigner Helen Donovan, who has been a thorn in Mike Foster’s side for years.

The important thing now is for more people to wise-up to the reality.