A SPECIAL equestrian crime prevention day is to be held at Countrywide Stores, Ledbury, to help the horse world combat criminals.

Organised by Herefordshire, Shropshire and Worcestershire Horse Watch, the event on Sunday, November 23, is aimed at showing the public how to reduce opportunities for thieves, while at the same time making theft seem not worthwhile.

Ali Cann, co-ordinator for Herefordshire Horse Watch, said: “Every horse owner is aware of the problem of criminals who prey on the equestrian industry.

“Theft of both horses and horse tack is sadly all too common and most riders have either personally experienced one or the other, or know of someone who has.

“All thefts are shocking but it is particularly distressing when a horse is stolen. Horse owners usually have a very close bond with their horse and when a theft occurs, it is incredibly upsetting to not know where the horse is, or what is going to happen to it.

“It is also devastating when bridles, saddles or other horseriding equipment is taken, not only because of the expense but also because of the time that it takes to build up a set of tack that suits both you and your horse.

“However, thieves will be much less likely to strike if they think it will be difficult to sell on the horse or riding equipment, as this pretty much negates the reason for stealing.

If you can make a potential thief discount your property as a target by carrying out just a few simple steps, you could avoid becoming a victim of crime and the heartbreak that can go with it if a horse is stolen.”

Freeze marking is one of the simplest things you can do to identify your horse. It is simple, quick and permanent, and its visible nature will deter thieves from stealing a horse.

This is because they know it can be used to show unequivocally that it does not belong to them and it is stolen.

Also, if your horse is stolen and recovered by police, they can use this distinctive mark to reunite you with him or her.

Freezmark will be attending the crime prevention day and offering five per cent discount to all Horse Watch members.

There will also be a security expert from RhinoCo Technology with CCTV surveillance products and locks, because investing in basic technology around your stables and yard can also be a very good deterrent to thieves.

Two West Mercia police officers, PC John Mclaren and PC Gail Greenhouse, will be there to offer advice, and tack marking will be available on the day.

Marking all of your horse tack with your telephone number or postcode is an excellent way of putting criminals off and ensuring its safe return should it be recovered as stolen property.

South Worcestershire police have also provided trailer and leisure vehicle security packs to be given to each visitor.

Everyone is welcome to the event and anyone interested in joining and supporting Horse Watch can download membership forms from the website worcestershire horsewatch.co.uk.