TWO members of a radio station have racked up more than 200 miles for a Worcester hospice.

BBC Hereford and Worcester’s sports reporter Helen Murray and radio colleague Adam Green have raised more than £1,000 for local hospices after running the length of the river Severn.

Ms Murray, aged 25, who lives in Worcester, ran in relays with Mr Green, each completing 105 miles of the 210-mile route.

Over seven days they ran from the source of the Severn in mid-Wales to Severn Beach near Bristol.

They broadcast along the way about their challenge and boosted their funds for St Richard’s Hospice in Worcester and Severn Hospice in Shropshire.

Ms Murray, who is a regular runner and has completed the London Marathon, said: “Although we were shattered by the end of it, the whole run was such an amazing experience.

“We had so many people supporting us on the way and the scenery was breathtaking.”

St Richard’s fund-raising manager Tricia Cavell said: “We are very grateful for the money raised for the hospice. Helen and Adam did a great job, often in far from ideal conditions.”

Each year St Richard’s cares for about 1,800 patients and their families.

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