A HAIRDRESSER lost his job after police officers found cannabis at the salon where he worked.

Officers searched Paul Bennett’s former workplace - UK Barbers Shop in The Trinity - after an anonymous tip-off.

Marie Watton, prosecuting, said: “The manager invited police to search and in the staff cloakroom in a black leather jacket they found two wraps of a herbal substance.”

The jacket was Bennett’s, who admitted having more cannabis on him, while a search of his bedroom at home turned up another drug bag.

At Worcester Magistrates Court, Bennett, 21, of Kirkstone Drive, Warndon, admitted possession of £240 of the class C drug.

Mark Sheward, in mitigation, said: “He’s a talented hair stylist who hopes to find another job soon.”

Bennett fined £250 and ordered to pay £60 costs and a £15 victim surcharge.