PLANS to expand Malvern Hills College and redevelop Malvern Youth Centre are set to be discussed by county councillors next month.

The focus of the new development will be on vocational training for 14-19 year olds and to develop a place for young people to meet as well as being somewhere they can get support such as counselling, information, advice and guidance, and gain access to sexual health services.

Evesham and Malvern Hills College currently operate on two sites, one in Evesham and the other, in the centre of Malvern, next to the council’s youth centre.

Councillor Penelope Morgan has been a firm supporter of the scheme since it was first mooted last year.

She said: “This is really necessary for the future of vocational courses in the town, and it would be great for those youngsters having to travel to Evesham when they could have it on their doorstep.

“However, it has to be on the proviso that the youth centre does not miss out.”

A joint working party was set up in October last year to develop options for the Malvern sites.

The feasibility study, which has been completed, concludes that Malvern Hills College is not fit for purpose for present and future educational needs. It has also presented three options for consideration, which cabinet will be asked to note on Monday, July 6. These are:

  • To develop an enlarged college by utilising the existing Malvern College campus only. This would not necessitate using any of the Malvern Youth Centre land.
  • To expand the Malvern Hills College campus and use up to 50 per cent of the Malvern Youth Centre site by creating a new purpose-built block to the north, while refurbishing the existing building. The youth centre would need to be demolished and youth facilities re-provided.
  • To rebuild the Malvern Hills College campus on the Malvern Youth Centre site. The youth centre would need to be demolished and youth facilities re-provided.

The second option is the preferred one.