IT’S been a depressing few weeks for those of us who have basically given up on the idea of any justice in this country.

While the killers of an innocent London teenager were led smirking to their ‘life’ sentences, a Worcestershire pensioner was fined for displaying his disabled sticker the wrong way up.

Within the same time frame, two Worcester yobs were given suspended jail terms for the cowardly attack on an MP, which meant they were not given any punishment at all.

We also learnt that one of these little losers “liked to fight after having a drink”. Tell me something – how bad does it have to get before someone is actually punished by the courts?

Anyway, I have been thinking long and hard about this problem and have come up with the following solution – bring back boxing in schools. Obviously, it wouldn’t apply to intelligent pupils, just the thick minority who can only express themselves through violence. This would mean that excess aggression could be channelled by teachers and therefore contained.

Youths who wanted to fight could then beat the living daylights out of each other instead of passers-by who make the cardinal error of carrying balloons or anything else that takes a thug’s fancy.

In time, I’d like to see this idea extended to the courts. Street savages could be sentenced to fighting each other in rings on Pitchcroft, providing punishment and entertainment at the same time.

Wagers might be made, as during race days. Gentlemen could bet ‘their yob’ against another chap’s yob. Apart from satisfying the public’s yearning for retribution, there might also be a profit in it for decent citizens who like a flutter.

In fact, it would be like cockfighting, except that chickens tend to have more brains than your average Worcester lout.

All right, my little jest. But I have to say that there will be no reduction in this viciousness until we have a justice system that favours the victim rather than the criminal.