A CHILD with swine flu has died at Birmingham Children's Hospital as health bosses confirmed more than 500 new cases today.

Dr Helen Carter, Consultant in Public Health, NHS West Midlands said: “We can sadly confirm that a child died at Birmingham Children’s Hospital on Friday evening. The child has since tested positive for swine flu but had other serious underlying health conditions.

“Our thoughts are with the family of the patients at this very sad time. The family have asked for the patient’s identity to be kept private and we will not be releasing any further details."

The West Midlands have seen the highest number of cases of swine flu although levels of infection are lower in Worcestershire than hotspot areas like Birmingham. The vast majority of cases with swine flu are mild. There is now a total of 2104 confirmed cases of swine flu in the West Midlands. 558 new cases were confirmed today.