STOURPORT-on-Severn’s new mayor says he is working hard to raise funds for his charity, which aims to support further regeneration projects in the town.

Businessman John Holden, who was made mayor last month, says that together with Stourport Forward he has been busy trying to boost his charity, Destination Stourport.

Mr Holden, aged 63, of Endeavour Place, Stourport, said he aims to raise more than £5,000 before the end of his year in office. Golf, fishing and walking events are being planned, as well as the annual mayoral ball.

He said: “I am asthmatic and diabetic and could have chosen charities associated with these conditions as my charity, but I wanted to do something for the people of Stourport.

“The mayoral charity should begin at home and is for the people of the town.”

Mr Holden said he has been busy attending events and promoting local businesses and societies. He sees this as an important part of the role of a town’s mayor. He said: “My main aim is to promote the wellbeing of Stourport and to encourage investment, industry and jobs in the town.

“I am enjoying my role very much. I am very much in the middle of things and trying to help where I can. I am here to help and to work with and for the people of Stourport.”

Mr Holden is trying to encourage Stourport primary schools to organise a float for the annual carnival and he has offered a prize of up to £100 for the best entry, should enough schools take part.

He said: “There needs to be a lot more community involvement and the bringing of the young of the town together as part of the parade.”

Mr Holden moved to Stourport 18 years ago and has been a town councillor for seven years. A Conservative, he represents the Mitton ward on Wyre Forest District Council but lost his county council seat at this month’s elections.

Mr Holden was the youngest president of the Blackburn Chamber of Trade, the Blackburn and District Master Butchers’ Association and the Lancashire Council of Meat Traders. He was made a justice of the peace in 1983 and set up his own business – British Meat Training and Marketing – in 2004.

He and his wife Glenys, the new mayoress, have two daughters.