PRESIDENT Margaret Tanner welcomed members to the June meeting following the successful summer barbecue that was held the previous weekend at the home of vice-president Lynda Gillespie.

Attended by members and Rotarians from Droitwich Spa Rotary Club, the event was most enjoyable, with Rotarians Laurie Evans and Jim Gillespie in charge of the actual barbecuing. Although it was an informal summer gathering, £240 was raised towards president Margaret’s choice of charities. Margaret thanked the Gillespies for hosting the event in their lovely garden.

On May 10 members enjoyed an outing to the Beckford Silk Mill and at both summer events the weather was kind, with sunshine and warmth.

At the May meeting Pam Plumridge and Shirley Jones organised a quiz to keep members on their toes!

The July meeting will be the handover meeting at the end of president Margaret’s year of office and members were reminded to go to the Chateau Impney Hotel for this particular meeting.