Buy Local tomorrow!

The fourth of July is Independents' Day in Worcestershire - and we need your help.

Our Buy Local campaign reaches its conclusion on Saturday - and we are urging our readers to give the supermarkets a miss for the day and try out their local independent shops.

Small businesses like these shops - along with restaurants, pubs, markets and the like - are struggling to survive in the recession. But they are the lifeblood of our towns and villages.

Since April your Worcester News has been running a Buy Local campaign aimed at highlighting the best in local independent retailers and encouraging our readers to spend their money with them.

We've given away 5,000 Buy Local eco shopping bags and hundreds of businesses are now displaying our Buy Local posters.

So why not give them your support on Saturday?

We'll be marking the occasion with a special 16-page supplement free with both the online and print editions of the Worcester News on Saturday. Don't miss it - and don't forget to Buy Local.

  • Click here for our special Buy Local section