A FIRM whose warehouse in Malvern Link was destroyed by fire more than a year ago has applied for planning permission to replace it.

The Auto Tyre and Battery building in Spring Lane was completely destroyed in the blaze in May 2008.

Now, the company has approached Malvern Hills District Council planning department for permission to rebuild the warehouse.

Managing director Robert Freeman said: “I was amazed to find out you needed planning permission to replace the warehouse with an identical one but it seems that’s the case.”

The new building will cost about £250,000.

Mr Freeman said: “I’ve been told to expect it will take several months for the application to go through but once it does I’ll be looking to get started on it as quickly as I can find a builder.”

The fire, on May 8, last year, caused nearby factories to be evacuated as firefighters battled the flames.

Hundreds of people watch-ed the blaze and a resulting plume of smoke was seen as far away as Bishops Frome, near Bromyard.

Mr Freeman said: “They never found what caused the fire. It wasn’t an electrical fault, which is usually to blame in fires like this.

“I have my own suspicions about the cause.

“Tyres don’t self-combust without an accelerant.”

He said that despite the blaze the business recovered quickly. Mr Freeman has owned Auto Tyre and Battery since 2000.

The company employs five members of staff at Malvern Link and none of them had to be laid off as a result of the fire destroying the Spring Lane warehouse.