PEOPLE are being urged to show support for their Royal British Legion branch with a day of entertainment and fun.

The Drotiwich Spa legion branch which helps support former soldiers, sailors and airmen in and around the town is desperate for new members and public backing to ensure its long-term survival.

Alan Evans, legion branch chairman, said: “Success on the open day is massively important to us so please do come along to what we hope will be a great family day.

“We also hope we can recruit many new members, but people just coming and showing support would be fantastic.”

The open day tomorrow will kick off with a rousing chorus supporting an American Indedendence Day theme courtesy of the air cadet band, from 1pm, followed by the Worcestershire Youth Jazz Orchestra in the legion concert room at 2pm.

There will be a drop-in car wash put on by students from Droitwich High School, motorbikes from the legion branch’s riders, a bouncey castle, and all-day food and drink.

The fun doesn’t end there with the evening’s free entertainment from The Doverley Brothers and Friends.

All the entertainment is taking place at The Droitwich Spa British Legion club in Salwarpe road, between the Ledwych roundabout (near the station) and Westlands roundabout (near DFS and Homebase).