THE residents of Worcester have the chance to show some pride in their city throughout October with the launch of the annual Rubbish? Sort It! campaign.

Run by the Duckworth Worcestershire Trust, the charity set up 11 years ago by Worcester Warriors chairman Cecil Duckworth, the campaign will see a series of litter picks taking place across the city.

Rubbish? Sort It! is now in its ninth year and has the backing of the city and county councils, Worcestershire Resource Exchange and the Helping Hand Company.

These organisations will be arranging many of the clean-ups around Worcester – but the challenge of keeping the city tidy is one for all of us to meet.

We have all seen litter being dropped in the streets and parks of Worcester. Some of us might even be guilty of it ourselves. Now we all have a chance to do something about it rather than just leaving it to others.

There is only so much those we pay our taxes to can do to keep a place like Worcester clean.

Those who we pay to keep the streets free from litter are not responsible for the mess. We are.

And what better way to recognise that undeniable truth than by volunteering to organise a clean-up in your community.

The more people become involved in campaigns like Rubbish? Sort It! the easier it is to keep the city looking attractive for residents and visitors alike.

If you are interested in helping out, call the Duckworth Worcestershire Trust on 01905 734980 or visit its website at