A SECOND World War veteran who fought in the Battle of Britain has helped a Worcester historian launch his new book.

Dilip Sarkar, who has written more than 25 books on the Battle of Britain, was at the Videodrome in Broad Street, Worcester, on Saturday to sign copies of his latest book, The Few: The Battle of Britain in the Words of the Pilots.

The book, which has been published by Amberley Publishing, recounts real-life stories of the men who flew during the Second World War, including 93-year-old Ken Wilkinson.

Mr Wilkinson flew Spitfires under the command of legendary pilot Douglas Bader. After fighting in the Battle of Britain in 1940 he went on to fly on offensive operations over France and later became a flying instructor.

“The book signing was a much smaller scale event than anything I have previously staged, but was significant” said Mr Sarkar. “Not so very long ago I could assemble up to 30 Battle of Britain pilots at signings. Now, due to very advanced age and given that many friends have passed on, it was really only practical to invite Ken Wilkinson.

“So it was a small-scale signing, but nonetheless provided a rare opportunity for the public to meet one of the few.”

Mr Sarkar hopes to hold a book launch at the Videodrome every year.

To buy The Few: The Battle of Britain in the Words of the Pilots, visit amberley-books.com