A KEY department in cash-strapped Worcestershire County Council is set to overspend by £1.8 million this year.

At a time when County Hall is starting to think about making £45 million savings through efficiencies and possible cuts, its adult and community services directorate, which commissions and provides social care services for older people and those with physical and learning disabilities, has revealed its costs are running high.

The overspend, which is due to an increase in demand for services and was anticipated when the budget was set, will be met by reserves this time around.

But Eddie Clarke, director of adult and community services, admitted he has an “immediate problem” because he said his team will have to work even harder to make £1.8 million savings in next year’s budget on top of anything else senior managers tell them to make as part of the BOLD (Better Outcomes, Leaner Delivery) programme.

“It’s going to be difficult, challenging and some very hard decisions will have to be made,” Mr Clarke said at the adult care and well-being panel meeting.

Worcestershire County Council’s adult and community services budget currently stands at £142 million. Mr Clarke said his department had already made £15 million savings during the last three years, eclipsing the target of £9 million, but said there was only so much that could be done through efficiencies.

“I will certainly seek to strive to make as many efficiencies as I can but I’m certain there will have to be some cuts and options presented to council as well,” he said. “My personal view is that although we’ve got £142 million, we are generally lower funded than a lot of our comparative local authorities.”

Mr Clarke said his department was already working very closely with other public bodies.

l Your Worcester News was the only member of the media at this meeting.