SANTA swapped his sleigh for a scooter as he and his team of helpers brought a bundle of presents to children with life-limiting illnesses.

Instead of sleigh bells, children at Acorns Children’s Hospice in Bath Road, Worcester, were greeted by the sound of scooter engines on Sunday.

About 25 people from the Three Pears Worcester Scooter Club and The Crusaders Scooter Club arrived with a sackful of gifts for the children.

The presents will be given to youngsters who stay at the hospice over the Christmas period.

Acorns fund-raiser Sophie James said: “This is brilliant. Christmas is very poignant for our families. When you have a child who is life-limited, an event like this is a major thing in that child’s life.

“We try to make every day special and it means a lot that someone has taken the time to donate presents. It adds more joy to their Christmas.”

A total of £579 was raised for the charity, which supports children with life-limiting illnesses and their families.